About us

About us

Spapp Monitoring is a phone tracker app operated by Monapp Calabs, a Cyprus company. With over 8 years of experience, Spapp Monitoring is one of the most used tracking apps.

With over 3 million users, Spapp Monitoring is one of the world's most used tracking apps.

With over 200,000 orders, Spapp Monitoring is one of the most trusted tracking apps. Our clients always return.

With over 100,000 support tickets, Spapp Monitoring's support team will always be able to assist you. Our technical support team is working 24/7.

Spapp Monitoring is available worldwide and we have clients in more that 100 countries. Most of our customers are from USA and India but we always try to get more clients also from other countries. We are expanding the translations available for our website and for our app.

With over 200 features, Spapp Monitoring is one of the most complex tracking app on the market. We are always adding more features with every update that we make. You can read more about this on our product info page and our releases page


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